Rheumatology in Thane

A Multidisciplinary Approach to Rheumatology: Comprehensive Solutions for Complex Rheumatic Conditions

Jupiter Hospital's Rheumatology Department stands as a beacon of excellence, providing a comprehensive range of both inpatient and outpatient procedures tailored to individuals grappling with diverse rheumatological disorders. A subspecialty within internal medicine, rheumatology specializes in the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of ailments affecting joints, soft tissues, and autoimmune symptoms in both adults and children.

Our hospital is synonymous with remarkable Rheumatology treatment in Thane, offering advanced medical interventions and personalized care. Our commitment to delivering superior healthcare services has fueled our continuous growth, solidifying our position as a premier choice for individuals seeking unparalleled medical expertise and compassionate care.

Patients entrust their well-being to us, confident in the knowledge that our Rheumatology hospital in Thane is dedicated to advancing the field through innovative treatments and a patient-centric approach. Our team's relentless pursuit of excellence ensures that every individual receives the highest standard of care, fostering a healthier and happier community.

In addition to our ongoing success, we strive to further enhance our services, maintaining our status as a leader in the healthcare sector. As we continue to evolve and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of medical advancements, our commitment to delivering exceptional Rheumatology treatment in Thane remains unwavering. Join us on the journey to better health, where expertise meets compassion, and patient well-being takes center stage.

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Dr. Milind D.Ghare

Speciality: Rheumatology

Designation: Consultant - Rheumatologist

  • Thane

Dr. Rachna Shanbhag Mohite

Speciality: Pediatric Immunology & Rheumatology

Designation: Consultant Pediatric Immunologist

  • Thane

Dr. Raheesh Ravindran

Speciality: Rheumatology

Designation: Consultant - Rheumatologist

  • Thane

Dr. Vijay Viswanathan

Speciality: Paediatric Rheumatology

Designation: Consultant - Paediatric Rheumatology

  • Thane, Pune

Looking for the Rheumatology in Thane

Physical Examination

Conducting a thorough physical examination is pivotal in commencing a tailored treatment plan. This crucial step encompasses a comprehensive evaluation of the patient's overall physical well-being. This entails examining the pulse, listening attentively to the heartbeats and lungs, and scrutinizing for any signs of swollen lymph nodes. Additionally, a meticulous examination of the affected limb and joints is undertaken to gauge the extent of inflammation, assess the range of motion, and evaluate overall functionality. This meticulous clinical assessment serves as the foundation for crafting a personalized and effective treatment protocol.

Medical History Assessment

Understanding your health journey is vital for making informed clinical decisions. Examining your medical history helps us grasp your current health and identify genetic risks. This review guides effective healthcare strategies, ensuring a holistic approach to your well-being by addressing immediate concerns and potential genetic risks.

Diagnostic Assessments

Conducting tests and screenings is pivotal in pinpointing the underlying issue and assessing its extent. This information is crucial for devising an effective treatment plan.

Blood Tests:

  • CBC
  • ESR
  • CRP
  • Liver and renal function test
  • Urine examination

Special Immunological Tests:

  • Rheumatoid factor
  • Anti-CCP antibody
  • ANA (AntiNuclear Antibody)
  • ANCA
  • ANA Profile
  • C3
  • C4

Imaging Tests:

These procedures utilize various forms of energy to provide detailed internal images.

  • X-ray: High-energy radiations
  • Ultrasound: High-energy sound waves
  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan: High-intensity magnetic waves
  • CT scan: High-intensity radiations

These diagnostic measures play a critical role in understanding the root cause and extent of the issue, laying the foundation for a tailored and effective treatment protocol.

Specialized Rheumatology Treatments

Our team, comprising renowned rheumatologists, offers a comprehensive range of surgical and non-surgical treatments for various rheumatologic disorders. Here's an overview of some conditions and the treatments we provide:


  • Diagnosis:
    • Imaging tests (X-rays and MRI)
    • Blood tests
    • Joint fluid analysis
  • Treatments:
    • Non-surgical: Oral or topical painkillers, Acetaminophen, Duloxetine, NSAIDs
    • Surgical: Cortisone injections, lubrication injections, surgical realignment, joint replacement

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA):

  • Diagnosis:
    • Blood tests (ESR, CRP, anti-CCP antibodies)
    • Imaging tests (X-rays and MRI)
  • Treatments:
    • Non-surgical: NSAIDs, steroids, DMARDs, biologics
    • Surgical: Synovectomy, tendon repair, joint fusion, total joint replacement
    • Therapeutic: Occupational therapies, assistive devices

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE):

  • Diagnosis:
    • Blood tests (CBC, ESR, kidney and liver assessment, urinalysis, ANA, C3, C4)
    • Imaging (Chest X-ray, echocardiogram)
    • Biopsy of kidney or skin
  • Treatments:
    • Medications: NSAIDs, antimalarial drugs, corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, biologics
    • Lifestyle modification: Comprehensive guidance from specialists

Takayasu Arteritis:

  • Diagnosis:
    • Blood tests (CBC, ESR, CRP)
    • Imaging (CT or MRI, angiography, PET CT Scan)
  • Treatment:
    • Corticosteroids, DMARDs, Biologic therapy


  • Diagnosis:
    • Physical examination
    • Imaging tests (X-ray and MRI)
    • Blood test for HLA-B27 gene
  • Treatments:
    • Medication: NSAIDs, corticosteroid injections, DMARDs, TNF blockers, IL-17A blockers

Sjogren’s Syndrome:

  • Diagnosis:
    • Blood tests, eye tests, sialogram, salivary scintigraphy
  • Treatments:
    • Medication: Artificial saliva, tears, eye drops, NSAIDs, DMARDs
    • Surgical: Punctal occlusion


  • Diagnosis:
    • Joint fluid test, blood test, X-ray, ultrasound, dual-energy CT scan
  • Treatments:
    • Medication: NSAIDs, colchicine, corticosteroids, uric acid-lowering therapies
    • Dietary and lifestyle modifications


  • Diagnosis:
    • Physical examination, blood tests, imaging
  • Treatments:
    • Non-surgical: Oral medicines, ointments to suppress the immune system, dilation of blood vessels
    • Surgical: Amputation, lung transplant
    • Therapeutic: Physical and occupational


  • Diagnosis:
    • Blood tests (calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, Vit. D, TSH)
    • Imaging (DEXA Scan)
  • Treatments:
    • Medication: Calcium and Vit. D supplements, bisphosphonates, drugs like denosumab, teriparatide
    • Physical therapy

Infectious Arthritis (Septic Arthritis):

  • Diagnosis:
    • Joint fluid analysis, blood tests, imaging
  • Treatments:
    • IV and oral antibiotics
    • Minimally invasive treatment: Joint drainage using a needle or arthroscopy
    • Conventional treatment: Joint drainage via open surgery

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis:

  • Diagnosis:
    • Blood tests (ESR, CRP, anti-nuclear antibody, rheumatoid factor, CCP)
    • Imaging tests (X-rays, MRI)
  • Treatments:
    • Medication: NSAIDs, DMARDs, biologics, corticosteroids
    • Surgical: Surgical relocation of joints
    • Therapeutic: Physical and occupational therapies

Polymyalgia Rheumatica:

  • Diagnosis:
    • Blood tests (CBC, ESR, CRP)
    • Imaging (MRI)
  • Treatments:
    • Medication: Corticosteroids, Methotrexate, calcium, and vitamin D supplements
    • Therapeutic: Physical therapy
Giant Cell Arteritis

Affecting individuals aged 65 and above, Giant Cell Arteritis is an inflammatory disorder characterized by headaches and sudden vision loss if not promptly treated. It can be associated with polymyalgia rheumatica.

Diagnosis and Treatment: Similar to that of polymyalgia rheumatica.

Post Viral/Post-Chikungunya Arthritis: This condition can affect any age group and is marked by chronic joint pains following dengue/Chikungunya fever.

Diagnosis: Blood tests, including CBC, ESR, CRP.

Imaging: TLT (not specified)


  • NSAIDs
  • Corticosteroids
  • DMARDs like Methotrexate

Other Treatments: Physical therapy


An overview of Jupiter Hospital’s infrastructure

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