Movement Disorders in Indore

Navigate Your Path to Wellness with Expert Care at our Movement Disorders Hospital in Indore

Movement Disorders encompass a spectrum of neurological conditions that significantly impact an individual's capacity to initiate and regulate bodily movements. These disorders can manifest as either excessive or diminished movement control and are rooted solely within the brain, distinct from impairments originating in other bodily systems.

For instance, a limb immobilised due to fracture does not qualify as a movement disorder; rather, it's the consequence of a brain dysfunction, particularly affecting the basal ganglia connection—the brain's core facilitator of seamless signal transmission. Parkinson's Disease exemplifies one of the movement disorders that can emerge from such dysfunctions.


Dr. Vinod Kumar Rai

Speciality: Neurology

Designation: Consultant Neurologist

  • Indore

Dr. Apoorva Pauranik

Speciality: Dean - Acedemics, Teaching & Research

Designation: Dean - Acedemics and Teaching

  • Indore

Dr. Deepak Jain

Speciality: Neurology

Designation: Consultant - Neurology

  • Indore

Dr. Indu Bhana

Speciality: Neurology

Designation: Consultant - Neurologist

  • Indore

Looking for the Movement Disorders in Indore

Understanding Symptoms of Movement Disorders

Symptoms associated with movement disorders vary in severity and presentation, encompassing a spectrum of manifestations:

  1. Generalised Slowness: Often observed in Parkinsonism, characterised by a gradual reduction in movement speed and agility.
  2. Tremors: Manifest as involuntary shaking of body parts, indicative of underlying neurological disturbances.
  3. Imbalance Sensation: Referred to as ataxia or 'drunkard walking,' resulting in a sensation of unsteadiness and difficulty maintaining balance.
  4. Tendency to Fall: Individuals with movement disorders may experience a heightened susceptibility to falls due to impaired motor control.
  5. Abnormal Posturing: Dystonia entails involuntary and sustained muscle contractions, leading to abnormal positioning of body parts.
  6. Excessive Movements: Conditions like chorea and ballism entail unwanted, excessive movements across different body regions.
  7. Sudden Jerky Movements: Myoclonus presents as sudden, brief, involuntary muscle contractions, resulting in jerky movements.
  8. Restless Movements: Akathisia and tics involve restless and repetitive movements, often challenging to control.

Depending on the constellation of symptoms present, individuals may receive diagnoses falling under the spectrum of neurological disorders. These may include Parkinson's Disease, Huntington's Disease, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP), Wilson's Disease, Spinocerebellar Ataxia, Cervical Dystonia, Writer's Cramp, among others. By recognising and understanding these symptoms, healthcare professionals can tailor treatment approaches to address specific underlying conditions effectively.

Exploring the Causes of Movement Disorders

Movement disorders arise from diverse underlying factors, including:

  1. Infections of the Brain: Pathogens infiltrating the brain can disrupt neural pathways, leading to movement disturbances.
  2. Brain Tumours: Abnormal growths within the brain tissue can impede proper nerve function, contributing to movement disorders.
  3. Stroke-like Events: Episodes of compromised blood flow to the brain can result in neurological impairments, including movement disorders.
  4. Brain Injuries: Traumatic incidents affecting the brain can disrupt its intricate networks, manifesting as movement abnormalities.
  5. Normal Aging Process: As individuals age, natural degenerative changes in the brain may predispose them to movement disorders.
  6. Genetic Abnormalities: Inherited genetic mutations can predispose individuals to various movement disorders, disrupting normal motor function.
  7. Medication-related Side Effects: Certain medications can induce adverse reactions impacting the brain's neurotransmitter systems, leading to movement disturbances.
  8. Allergic Diseases of the Brain (Autoimmune Diseases): Immune-mediated disorders targeting brain tissues can precipitate movement disorders.
  9. Metabolic Changes: Fluctuations in body metabolic functions, such as abnormal blood sugar levels, can disrupt brain chemistry, contributing to movement abnormalities.

Understanding the diverse array of causative factors underlying movement disorders is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective management strategies tailored to each patient's unique condition. Our specialised Movement Disorders hospital in Indore stands at the forefront of addressing these ailments and providing comprehensive treatment solutions.

With a focus on Movement Disorders treatment in Indore, our facility offers tailored interventions to alleviate symptoms and enhance patients' quality of life. Through a multidisciplinary approach, our team endeavours to empower individuals grappling with Movement Disorders to regain autonomy and functionality in their daily lives. Trust our expertise and commitment to guide you through your journey towards improved movement control and enhanced well-being.

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