Post Liver Transplant in Thane

Post-Surgery Recovery Process

Following the completion of surgery, you will be transferred to a recovery room for observation for a few hours. Once the doctor determines that your condition is stable, you will be moved to the intensive care unit (ICU) for meticulous monitoring over the next few days, during which your vital signs will be closely watched.

Regular blood samples will be collected to assess the functionality of the newly transplanted liver. Continuous monitoring of essential organs, including the lungs, kidneys, and circulatory system, will be conducted to ensure optimal functioning. Anti-rejection medications will be administered and carefully regulated to guarantee proper dosage and medication compatibility. Initially, you will be administered a liquid diet, progressing gradually to a regular diet without restrictions.

Upon achieving stability, you will transition to a standard ward. As your recovery progresses, you will regain mobility, allowing for extended periods of walking and movement. The doctor will provide guidance on self-care before your eventual discharge.

Looking for the Post Liver Transplant in Thane

Life Post Liver Transplant

Undergoing an liver transplant can significantly enhance the quality of life for patients. However, adhering to specific measures and practices is crucial for leading a normal and healthy life.

  • Frequent and Regular Follow-ups: Scheduled check-ins are imperative; you'll receive recommendations to attend regular follow-ups with your transplant team, encompassing visits to the psychological expert in addition to the surgeon and doctor. This routine may persist throughout the initial months post-transplant, ensuring continuous monitoring of the body's response and early identification of potential complications.
  • Hygiene and Lifestyle: Practising good hygiene and maintaining an active lifestyle contribute significantly to your recovery. Embrace a healthy way of life by engaging in physical activities, avoiding smoking, and adhering to a well-balanced diet. Abstaining from alcohol and maintaining a careful dietary regimen will be emphasised, and consulting with a nutrition specialist can assist in tailoring a diet to meet your specific needs.
  • Immunosuppressants: Given the body's inclination to reject foreign objects, immunosuppressant medications may be prescribed to mitigate the risk of rejection.

Please note that liver transplant outcomes are generally favourable; however, they can differ based on the indications for the transplant and donor-related factors. The survival rate stands at 88-90% within the first year post-surgery.

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