Success rate in Indore

The continual progress in medical science is reflected in the improved life expectancy of individuals undergoing pancreas transplants. When compared to the past decade, there is a significant rise in the life expectancy of these patients.

Life Expectancy Figures:

  • 95% exhibit an increased lifespan of 1 year
  • 88% demonstrate an increased lifespan of 5 years

Looking for the Success rate in Indore

Tips for Lifestyle Modifications

Implementing certain lifestyle changes can aid in preventing conditions that may lead to a requirement for a pancreas transplant. Here are some lifestyle modification tips:

  • Smoking Avoidance: Quitting smoking is crucial as it poses a risk for various health conditions, including pancreatic cancer. Ceasing smoking can effectively reduce this risk.
  • Weight Maintenance: Keeping a healthy weight is vital to prevent lifestyle diseases such as diabetes. Engaging in physical activities like exercise and yoga promotes overall fitness.
  • Dietary Adjustments: Choose a diet rich in green vegetables, fresh fruits, and whole grains, while minimizing the consumption of sugary drinks, processed foods, and red processed meats. Such dietary adjustments may lower the risk of lifestyle diseases.
  • Alcohol Limitation: Excessive alcohol intake has been associated with conditions like chronic pancreatitis. It is recommended to either quit or moderate alcohol consumption.

Choosing the Suitable Pancreas Transplant Center

Prior to making a decision, it is vital to research different transplant hospitals and centers. Consider the following factors when selecting a transplant hospital/center:

  • Consult with multiple doctors and converse with patients who have undergone pancreas transplants at the hospital to gain insights into their experiences.
  • Determine whether the center/hospital specializes in living or deceased donor transplants.
  • Assess the reputation of the hospital/center, including its mortality rate for transplant patients.
  • Confirm if the hospital/center is included in your insurance policy coverage.
  • Evaluate the overall experience that the hospital/center possesses in handling transplant cases.

Financial Assessment of Pancreas Transplant

Enduring a disease that significantly impacts one's life is a distressing experience for both the patient and their family. Opting for a pancreas transplant can notably improve the patient's quality of life. The average cost of pancreas transplants in India typically falls around 15 lakh. It is essential to confirm with the insurance company whether the transplant cost is covered in your plan. Several factors contribute to the overall cost, including:

  • Hospital infrastructure and location
  • Duration of hospital stay
  • Expertise of surgeons, their team, and the use of advanced technology
  • Presence of any health complications
  • Processes related to recovery and rehabilitation
  • Post-transplant medications

Patients traveling for the transplant should also consider the cost of residing near the hospital in the new city, which accrues over several months.

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