Lab Tests in Pune

  • CBC: To detect anemia.
  • Urine routine and culture: To identify urine infection and blood in the urine.
  • 24 hours urine protein: Proteinuria should not exceed 200 mg/day.
  • Kidney function test and GFR measurements: GFR should be greater than 80 ml/min.
  • Oral GTT/HbA1c: To rule out diabetes.
  • Liver function tests: To rule out liver disease.
  • BT/PT/PTT: To rule out bleeding and coagulation disorders.
  • Ultrasonography of abdomen: To confirm the presence of 2 kidneys and structural abnormalities.
  • CT angiography or selective renal angiography: To confirm blood vessels' position and size for surgical resection.
  • Isotope renogram: To assess individual kidney function.
  • HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, CMV: To prevent viral transmission.
  • Psychological evaluation: To assess mental health and ensure a voluntary and informed decision.

After a thorough evaluation of both the donor and recipient, a comprehensive meeting takes place involving the surgical and medical team. Subsequently, the anesthesia team conducts a re-examination of documents, providing a detailed explanation of the surgical plan. The transplant coordinator plays a pivotal role in assisting with the preparation of legal documents required for obtaining the relevant permissions. Following this, a crucial phase involves the recipient, donor, and their relatives attending committee meetings for thorough review. The committee ensures the absence of commercial interests or any monetary transactions, ultimately making decisions to approve or disapprove the surgery. Once the committee grants approval, the patient is then scheduled for the crucial kidney transplant surgery.

Looking for the Lab Tests in Pune

Undergoing Dialysis

In the post-evaluation phase, individuals relying on dialysis eagerly await a kidney transplant to enhance their overall quality of life. The life expectancy for patients on dialysis varies, averaging between 5 to 10 years. Emphasizing the benefits of transplantation, especially in younger patients, it becomes evident that a living donor kidney transplant is the preferred choice for superior outcomes when compared to a deceased donor transplant.

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