Oncology in Pune

Addressing a Wide Range of Cancers: Comprehensive Oncology Solutions

Cancer can be a daunting word, sparking fear in the hearts of patients and their families. At Jupiter Hospital, we have established a dedicated oncology hospital in Pune to address this fear and provide comprehensive cancer care.

Our Centre for Cancer consists of a specialised team of expert consultants, including Oncologists, Oncosurgeons, Radiation Oncologists, and Hemato-oncologists. Additionally, our hospital offers the vast expertise of Radiologists, Pathologists, Histopathologists, Anaesthetists, Physiotherapists, Dieticians, and Counsellors. This expert team is well-supported by diagnostic, nursing, and rehabilitation teams.

We offer oncology treatment in Pune for various types of cancer, such as:

  • Breast Cancer: This cancer develops from abnormal cells in the breast tissue. It primarily affects women but can also occur in men. Early detection is crucial, and regular screenings are recommended.
  • Gynaecological Cancer: This term encompasses various cancers affecting the female reproductive system. Common types include cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, vaginal cancer, and vulvar cancer. Risk factors and symptoms can vary depending on the specific type.
  • Head and Neck Cancers: These cancers can originate in the mouth, throat, nose, sinuses, voice box, and surrounding structures. Tobacco and alcohol use are significant risk factors. Symptoms may include lumps, mouth sores, difficulty swallowing, or voice changes.
  • Liver Cancer: This cancer arises in the liver, responsible for filtering toxins and producing essential proteins. Chronic infections like hepatitis B or C can increase the risk. Symptoms often appear late, so regular checkups are important.
  • Lung Cancer: The leading cause of cancer death, lung cancer begins in the lungs and affects breathing. Smoking is the primary risk factor. Symptoms like persistent cough, shortness of breath, and chest pain can occur.
  • Oesophagus or Tracheal Cancer: These cancers affect the oesophagus (food pipe) or trachea (windpipe). Difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, and persistent coughing are potential signs. Smoking, alcohol use, and certain dietary factors can contribute to risk.
  • Prostate Cancer: This cancer develops in the prostate gland, a male reproductive organ. Risk increases with age and family history. Early stages may not cause symptoms, highlighting the importance of regular screenings for men.
  • Soft Tissue Sarcomas: These cancers form in the soft connective tissues that support and bind structures throughout the body. This includes muscles, fat, nerves, blood vessels, and lymph vessels. Symptoms depend on the location and size of the tumour.

General Warning Signs

Cancer arises from uncontrolled cell growth. These abnormal cells can invade nearby tissues and spread to other parts of the body. There are over 200 different types of cancer, each with varying presentations. While some cancers cause specific symptoms, many of them share common signs too. Be aware of these and consult your doctor if you experience any:

  • Unexplained weight loss: If you lose weight without trying, particularly a significant amount, it warrants a checkup.
  • Fatigue: Persistent tiredness that doesn't improve with rest can be a red flag.
  • Pain: Unexplained aches or pains that linger deserve medical evaluation.
  • Fever: A persistent fever, especially at night, could signal an underlying issue.
  • Changes in bowel or bladder habits: New or altered bowel habits, such as constipation, diarrhoea, or rectal bleeding, should be checked by a doctor. Similarly, difficulty urinating or blood in the urine require investigation.
  • Unusual bleeding or bruising: Easy bruising or bleeding without a known cause needs to be evaluated.
  • Lumps: A lump anywhere on the body, especially if it's painless and growing, should be examined by a doctor.
  • Skin changes: New moles, changes in existing moles, sores that don't heal, or persistent itching can be signs of a problem.
  • Persistent cough or hoarseness: A cough that won't go away or changes in your voice can indicate an underlying issue.
  • Indigestion or heartburn: Persistent heartburn or difficulty swallowing could be a cause for concern.

It is important to remember that these symptoms can also be caused by non-cancerous conditions. However, early detection is crucial for effective cancer treatment, as it leads to better treatment options and outcomes.

Diverse Approaches to Cancer Diagnosis

We offer various modes of cancer screening based on the patient's location and risk factors, including:

  • Physical Examination: Our physicians conduct comprehensive physical examinations to detect lumps or abnormalities that may suggest a tumour. Changes in skin colour, organ size, oral ulcers, or lumps in the neck, breast, or other areas are meticulously examined.
  • Laboratory Tests: Urine and blood tests are essential for identifying abnormal indicators and markers associated with cancer.
  • Imaging & Nuclear Medicine: Our Radiology Department is equipped with contemporary technology, such as Computerised Tomography (CT) Scans, Bone Scans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scans, Ultrasounds, and X-rays. These imaging tests aid in diagnosing cancer, determining its stage, assessing treatment response, and detecting disease recurrence.

The Significance of PET/CT scans

PET/CT scans are particularly valuable for disease staging, treatment response assessment, identification of potential primary malignancies, guidance for biopsy site selection, and support in radiotherapy planning.

Biopsy: The Gold Standard for Diagnosis

In most cases, a biopsy is the definitive method for cancer diagnosis. This procedure involves collecting a sample of cells for comprehensive laboratory testing, providing a conclusive answer regarding malignancy (cancerous growth) or the cause of an infection.


Dr. Chirag Surendra Bhirud

Speciality: Surgical Oncology

Designation: Consultant - Surgical Oncology

  • Pune

Dr. Pratik Patil

Speciality: Oncology

Designation: Consultant - Medical Oncology

  • Pune

Dr. Vikas Kothawade

Speciality: Radiation Oncology

Designation: Consultant - Radiation Oncology

  • Pune

Dr. Amit Dilip Bhatt

Speciality: Oncology

Designation: Consultant - Medical Oncology

  • Pune

Dr. Anant Bhushan Ranade

Speciality: Oncology

Designation: Consultant - Medical Oncology

  • Thane, Pune

Dr. Nikhil Shirsi

Speciality: Oncology

Designation: Consultant - Medical Oncology

  • Pune

Dr. Sanket Subhash Bankar

Speciality: Surgical Oncology

Designation: Consultant-Surgical Oncology

  • Pune

Dr. Snita Sinukumar

Speciality: Surgical Oncology

Designation: Consultant - Surgical Oncology

  • Pune

Dr. Tushar Patil

Speciality: Oncology

Designation: Consultant - Medical Oncology

  • Pune

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